this establishment was involved in the use of an illegally compromised credit card -- Bob, West bay
Deberian de considerar a las demas personas en la comunidad y poner sus parlantes con musica adentro del edificio y talvez asi no tendrian que subir tanto el volumen. Ya que no es un centro comercial a su alrededor, sino que residencial. -- michelle, los fuertes
purchased and paid cash for a new westinghouse smart TV Nov 5, 2020 after it failed i attempted to return it to molineros under warranty but the store was closed due to ? 33 days later the store reopened but the manager refused to replace it under warranty and no techs are availabe on the island to repair it. I have now been without a TV for 44DAYS and have recieved NO assistance in this matter -- larry wood, Jonesville Pt.