I Love My 26'X7.5'. Never owned a Boat before, only a couple of Dory's and, I have to say that a Dory can not stand up to it in any way, it is faster,dry as a chip (can not be said of ANY Dory) and the ride is out of this World. But this is just Me being Me.
-- Henry D. Hill, Utila Cay's
We have a selection of boat molds for sale, please call me 912-381-4168 or e-mail blacktipinc@aol.com -- Dyke Jackson, Douglas, Ga
Hi Dory, Thisis Dyke Jackson, I have a 40 ft by 12' beam boat that I know you will be interesting in, it is a brand new hull. Call me 912-381-4168 or e-mail me, I would like to send you some pictures. -- Dyke Jackson, Roatan
Would like a 27x7.5 center console hull how much? -- Brad chipman, Utila